Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : L. Buhry, Artificial Intelligence and solution of problems, 25h, level L3 MIASHS, University of Lorraine

  • Licence: L. Bougrain, Artificial intelligence and mobile development - Licence of Computer Science, 70h, level L3, University of Lorraine

  • Licence: L. Bougrain, Optimization - Licence of Computer Science, 37.5h, level L3, University of Lorraine

  • Licence: L. Bougrain, Computer Networks - Licence of Computer Science, 20h, level L2, University of Lorraine

  • Licence: L. Bougrain, Artificial intelligence, 59h, level L3, Telecom Nancy/ESIAL - University of Lorraine

  • Licence: L. Bougrain, Immersive and innovative interfaces, 3h, level L3, Supélec Metz

  • Master: L. Buhry, Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence, 31h, level Master 1 SCA (Sciences Cognitives et Applications), University of Lorraine

  • Master: L. Buhry, Fundamentals in Artificial Intelligence and Data Search, 18h, level Master 1 SCA (Cognitive Science and Applications), University of Lorraine

  • Master: L. Buhry, Computational Neuroscience, 25h, level Master 2 SCMN, University of Lorraine

  • Licence: L. Bougrain, Artificial neural networks - Master of mathematics speciality pro. mathematical engineering and computing tools, 24h, level M3, University of Lorraine

  • Master: L. Bougrain, Ergonomics - Master of Computer Science, 18h, level M1, University of Lorraine

  • Master : Axel Hutt, Algorithm Perls, 9h, level M1, École des Mines Nancy


  • PhD: Maxime Rio, Bayesian model for the detection of synchronisation in electro-cortical signals, Université de Lorraine, July 16 2013, Bernard Girau and Axel Hutt

  • PhD: Carolina Saavedra, Analysis and multi-channel denoising methods based on wavelets to improve the detection of evoked potentials without averaging: application to BCI, Université de Lorraine, 14 December 2013, Bernard Girau and Laurent Bougrain

  • PhD in progress: Meysam Hashemi, Analysis of a cortico-thalamic model in the context of general anaesthesia, May 2012, Axel Hutt

  • PhD in progress: Mariia Fedotenkova, Analysis of single-channel EEG-data by a recurrence analysis, November 2013, Axel Hutt

  • PhD in progress: Cecilia Lindig Leon, Multilabel classification for a 3D control of a robotic arm using band-specific EEG markers associated with a motor task, November 2013, Laurent Bougrain and Axel Hutt


  • PhD defense of Muhammad Yousaf, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 22 February 2013, reviewer (Axel Hutt)

  • PhD defense of Merdan Sarmis, Université de Mulhouse, 4 December 2013, reviewer (Axel Hutt)